I’ve worked from home since 2007. I am used to structuring my day, separating personal and business stuff and shutting my office door when I need to relax. I’ve also…

Many more of us have been working from home this year. I’ve been home-based for years but just now it’s a little different. Everyone’s gone off to uni – except…
A while ago I wrote this post, about exams. I explained that they are not always as important as we think. Sometimes, however, we can’t do without them. Earlier this…

Six months ago I switched to tutoring English online overnight. For years, I have travelled to my students’ homes and sat in their kitchens and dining rooms as we worked…

We need each other to create so we can hear and see ourselves.
This boy is my constant companion, loyal, gentle and friendly. He’s elderly now and we work hard to keep arthritis at bay, but Alfie doesn’t accept his limitations and loves…

I spent my upper sixth year – now known as Year 13 – studying for my A levels at home. No school, just a correspondence course. It was 1978/9 and…

Isn’t it great when you really feel someone is listening to you? You know, those times, with those people, when you can talk for as long as you need to,…

Many parents home educate their children but usually there is some element of choice involved and they have time to think about it. They do some research, read some books…
Exams are important. But not as important as you might think. Now, I am in favour of exams in lots of circumstances and I believe they help us to learn…
I was a home educating single mum for about six years. I say ‘about’ because once you’ve started home educating, it never really stops. My son went to college over…