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Being Well

Stillness is the answer – the power of connection

By April 8, 2015January 14th, 2020No Comments


This photo is from the ‘events’ page on my website. I use it to represent the power and beauty of a group of people. A cornfield appears to be a beautiful whole, but in fact is made up of many single ears of corn.

Earlier today I had two meetings, both of which, I think, will eventually result in exciting progress for my Mind Calm Meditation practice. I am looking forward to helping more people to find their own inner still silent space and to running a variety of events in wonderful surroundings.

It occurred to me that both of these meetings came as a result of friendships, people I know socially introducing and recommending me to others. This feels like the easiest, gentlest type of networking but it can also be one of the most effective. When we connect on a human level and find out what makes other people tick, what they care about and what they can offer, we want to help and support them. And in turn they want to help and support us.

Most of what I have achieved, my real successes, which are remarkably varied, happened largely as a result of tremendous amounts of support from others. Sometimes that support has been practical and sometimes it has simply been a matter of people believing in me. When we know someone else really believes we can do it – whatever it is – we can keep going even on the days we doubt ourselves.

This is the spirit of the blogging challenge I am participating in at the moment. It’s part of Winning Women Essex, a wonderful group for female entrepreneurs run by Rosemary Cunningham, and we are supported by the amazing blogging expert Sarah Arrow. Winning Women Essex provides events for us to get together, learn and support each other, so that we can grow our businesses and expand our contribution in ways that might prove difficult if we felt more alone.

If you are a woman in business in Essex, why not join us – there’s no membership fee so you can visit as a one-off – and see the difference it makes to be part of a group. And if you are further afield, do find out what support is available to you locally, if you are not yet part of a group. It’s great to be one of the ears making a spectacular field!

And don’t forget – if you haven’t already done so – please sign up for my newsletter using the link below so we can keep in touch. Thanks!

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