My brother sent me this video and I found it so enjoyable and inspiring that I wanted to share it with you. It’s long, but if you only have two…
Today in the Spiritual Badass community we are invited to write about invisible illnesses. The questions are: 1) How does Invisible Illness affect your life and your business, whether it’s…
Well, I never expected to be taking this turn but since I decided to commit to this blogging challenge so that I could be more obviously spiritual, I am going…
This post wrote itself, really, on the way to my yoga class today, and I chose the photo because it feels really calm. It’s a calm place, the marshes where…
Today I’ve been working on the interview I did with Bharti Kerai last year, for the worry project. Bharti plays an important part in my story, because she taught me…
This picture really belongs with Saturday’s blog; I’m not great at adding pictures and hardly ever think of doing it, so I’m making the effort today just to show that…
I was reminded today of a simple diagram in Stephen R Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey suggests we draw or imagine a circle, called our circle…
There were once two men who lived next door to each other. They both had beautiful gardens which they loved to look after. They spent a lot of time cultivating,…
My mother, Caroline, has Multiple Sclerosis. She was diagnosed 23 years ago, after visiting various doctors over a period of time, complaining that something was wrong. She would say to…