In the past three Exploring English posts we have looked at modal verbs. Today we explore the final main category: Modal verbs of ability. Here, ability covers both the sense…
Last week, we explored modal verbs of certainty and uncertainty. Today we move on to obligation and permission. Obligation means that we have to do something. We don’t have…
This week I’ve been looking at false friends. These are words that look familiar, but are being used in a different way and so have a different meaning. Or, in…
Last week we looked at modal verbs, what they are and how they work. This week we go a little deeper and explore modal verbs dealing with degrees of certainty….
The term ‘modal verb’ often causes confusion. Students wonder what modal verbs are and why they don’t know about them. In fact, if you speak any English, the chances are…
How do you feel about writing? If you love it, great, so do I! But I meet lots of people who say, ‘I ought to write a blog, but…’ or,…

Most of us are busier than ever and making time for reading is often difficult. Especially reading for pleasure. We might read reports and even books for work, personal development,…
Before today*, I didn’t know there was an Apostrophe Protection Society. But if I had, I would have been an enthusiastic supporter. I try not to be pedantic, but the…