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The Maverick Bluestocking – Being Present and Thinking Less

By August 4, 2014August 6th, 20148 Comments

Harriet graduatingOne of the most important things to know about thinking is that it takes us away from the here and now. Always. As my meditation teacher Sandy Newbigging says, the act of thinking happens in the now but we can only think about the past or the future. We can’t think about the now; we can only experience it. Sandy’s very helpful book, Thunk!, explains more and is very well worth reading.

Trouble is, knowing about being present and that it’s a good idea and actually spending more time in the present are very different things. I knew a lot about living in the now, how much better it is, and that the present is where everything happens, for a long time before I had any clue about how to achieve more presence in my life.

The good news is, there are simple ways to become more present, and then unavoidably to think less. If you want to try it now, have a listen to my Becoming Present recording here.

Another of my very favourite ways to become more present instantly is to use water. There is something about water that brings us into the here and now. Think of children splashing in the sea, or the shock of jumping into a cold swimming pool. Or, on an everyday level, think about how we wake ourselves up under the shower or relax in a bath at the end of the day. All of those things will help you to become more present, and less stuck in your head and your thinking, in a moment. And best of all, we can replicate the feeling during the day, every time we have the opportunity to wash our hands. Try it, it works!

This post is a perfect illustration of what spirituality means to me. I like to be down to earth, practical and simple. I like things that work. And I like to share the message that this, here now, this is our one life and this very moment is where it is all happening. I am so grateful because I know that I exist, and that I am so much more than my body, my mind, my personality. And to be overtly spiritual means, for me, to shout about it.

That’s what the Maverick Bluestocking is for. She likes talking about abstract things in simple terms and she likes to talk a lot about the things she feels are important. Please let me know if you try her down to earth suggestions or if you have some of your own!


  • Arwen says:

    I pat myself to get myself into the here and now. Love the use of water too. Enjoyed this!

  • Mary Oquendo says:

    I use crystals to focus. Usually amethyst.

    • Harriet says:

      I don’t know much about crystals but I have a few and love amethyst. Glad to know I am on the right lines, thanks!

  • Kama says:

    Taking photos helps to keep me in the present moment. I am so focussed on the object that I am photographing that it also works as a meditation. I believe anything that brings us in to the present moment is a form of meditation. Simple but not always easy :)

    • Harriet says:

      Simple but not always easy is so true! Especially when we have been conditioned to spend a lot of time out of the present, and our culture encourages that too. My mother watches birds to the same effect. Thanks Kama :-)

  • Interesting! I do find that walking along a seafront puts me in the present, and will investigate using water in other ways to do it!
    Thanks for the prompt,

    • Harriet says:

      Hi Gordon, yes walking by the sea is great isn’t it? I like a rough sea with big waves just as well as a lovely tropical beach with a gentle shushing. Rivers and waterfalls can have a wonderful effect as well, both energising and calming. Thanks for your comment :-)

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