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Being Well

The Maverick Bluestocking on Soul Purpose

By August 24, 2014September 23rd, 20146 Comments

Harriet graduatingThis is a recording that I made and posted a little while ago, but it feels right to offer it again today.

Each of us is unique.
We are all miracles.
We don’t need fixing.
We all have something amazing to offer.
Our most important mission is to be ourselves.
Whether we know it or not we are changing the world now.
That thing that feels easy, effortless and joyful, that thing is our unique contribution.
Everything is ok; it really is.

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  • Daryl Conner says:

    Thank you. I am sharing this with my sister who thinks her lovely daughter needs “fixing.”

  • Mary Oquendo says:

    I know a couple of people this can be passed along to.

  • Love it Harriet! I got stuck in a loop for a while, when I first discovered EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) of ‘healing’ everything about me I decided wasn’t good enough, was a block or holding me back in some way. The trouble is when you start looking for things that are ‘wrong’ with you, the universe will supply them. Lots of things, a never-ending supply of things that need changing about yourself. Well, thankfully I woke up to what I was doing, and it is absolutely true: THERE IS NOTHING, I REPEAT, NOTHING WRONG! Nothing needs fixing, just love yourself and make as many of your thoughts and actions from a place of love. That’s all that is needed to have a loving and harmonious life, and what a wonderful gift to the world. Thanks for this post today…looks like I’ve got the bones for my post here!

    • Harriet says:

      Oh yes, I’ve been there with EFT! I love it but the whole idea of busting your limiting beliefs becomes a bit seductive. I could probably get to a good place if I kept doing that, and all the other pattern busting techniques, until I am 85, but it would mean I mustn’t acquire any new ones in the meantime! I use it now but with fewer – or no – words and for things like anxiety and clearing my sinuses – it’s fantastic for that! Thanks for your comment.

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