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Being Well

Are you vulnerable?

By October 2, 20123 Comments

Last night I was talking to a very special person in my life and mentioned that I am sensing my greatest power is really in vulnerability. “Have you heard of Brene̒ Brown?” she asked. Sure I have. I’ve read “The Gifts of Imperfection”, which for me is about self-worth and the lack of it, and I absolutely loved “I thought it was just me”, which explains shame so well. Brene̒’s latest book, “Daring Greatly”, is about vulnerability, and I am really looking forward to reading it.

Amazon’s product description of this book contains the following line: “she argues that vulnerability is not weakness, but rather our clearest path to courage, engagement, and meaningful connection”. This is why it is so important for me to read this book, and I soon will. I suspect, perhaps even believe, that the vulnerability I have spent a lifetime trying alternately to overcome and to hide, is where my greatest power, strength and contribution lie. Perhaps it’s even my greatest asset.

So when my friend told me that Brene̒ is speaking in London tomorrow night, I thought I should try to get to that talk. Then I thought again. Tomorrow morning I have a formal engagement (watch this space – I’ll be blogging about it!) which means both the Teenager and myself leaving the house early. With my health issues I struggle to cope with early mornings and late nights. One of each in the same 24 hours, voluntarily, is probably asking too much of myself. I decided not to go. To admit my physical vulnerability and to put my self-care first. Then I googled the talk and found it’s already sold out, so all is well!

This little cameo is an important lesson for me, and if it makes someone else think a bit more deeply then I’m super delighted. I’ve reached a stage in my life where I’m willing to step up, to be my authentic self and to let go of keeping things small. A couple of years ago I would have thought that meant getting a big flashy legal job or something stressful in academia. Today, I’m on a path of opening up, being enough just as I am and making the contribution my heart tells me is required of me. This is the ethos behind the book I’m working on, and I believe will strengthen its message. Maybe, just maybe, this blogging challenge has come at the right time for me to put my toe in the water.

I’d love to know if anyone resonates with this. What do you do when you feel vulnerable? Cover it up? Try to be fearless? Wish you were different? Or have you become comfortable with allowing that sensitive part of you to emerge? For some of us, this must be the right path.


  • Your sincerity is heartwarming. Thanks for the book recommendation and for sharing a part of yourself. One thought. Maybe there was a taping and you can get the recording to hear later? First time visitor to your blog! It’s a good one!

    • Harriet says:

      Thank you! And for the suggestion; I will investigate about a recording.

      • Purnima says:

        something like that to me today. I think I should clfriay. There’s been plenty written about what you’re saying, and I agree with you 100%. People who feel something should say something. But, I didn’t mean this as a I wish I could date her post. I wanted it to be about friendship. I guess the dating a few girls line is misleading, but I was coming from a more emotional standpoint. I’m bothered by the people who are around when they need you, but disappear otherwise. Everyone isn’t like that, but the handful who are really hurt. Anyway, thanks for giving me the chance to get that little postscript out there.

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