In 1894 a young man from Cambridgeshire left England for China. His name was John Pledger, known to his friends as Jack. Years later he became Rev JRF Pledger and…
I sat in a networking event late last year and was struck by the fascinating stories of the attendees. We all had our unique reasons for starting businesses, winding paths…
Do you hear people saying, ‘you have to make sacrifices to be successful’? They may be talking about progressing a career or building a business. You may have said this…

A massage therapist, a mortgage adviser and a business writer found themselves grouped together in a breakout session. It sounds like the beginning of a joke doesn’t it? As it…
Before today*, I didn’t know there was an Apostrophe Protection Society. But if I had, I would have been an enthusiastic supporter. I try not to be pedantic, but the…
Getting to Santa Fe, New Mexico, requires effort and commitment. I was both committed and willing to make an effort, once I had made the decision to go to the…
My homesickness for Malaysia continued until 2014. That year, for the first time, I was able to return to my former home. I was given the most wonderful and generous…
After we’d taken our O levels we all went in different directions. I went first to boarding school in England which wasn’t a happy experience. I looked and sounded English…
After 40 years some memories feel like yesterday and others are hazy. During the last weekend in June, reunited with our classmates from the late 70s at Garden School, Kuala…
On the plane to Dallas, where I would be connecting to Albuquerque, I wondered whether I was making a mistake. Why on earth would anyone fly so far (5,000 miles…
Have you ever wondered about the real purpose of exams? We tend to think of exams as a necessary evil enabling us to gain a qualification, or move on to…
I’ve written a few pieces about losing my mother. In this one I remember a time shortly before she died. There are some others which I may post in due…