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Being Well

Does the Maverick Bluestocking Make a Difference?

By August 17, 201412 Comments

Harriet graduatingToday Spiritual Badass bloggers are asked how we use our gifts to help others and the world or how we use our spiritual gifts to change lives and make a difference. My first reaction on reading this topic was that I would write about something entirely different. My second was that this was the very reason why I should tackle the suggested subject!

My first difficulty was the assumption that I have ‘spiritual gifts,’ or gifts of any sort, in fact. I am blessed with a clever brain and the ability to write clearly. People have told me that I am a calming influence. Beyond those qualities, however, my inherent conditioning still prefers me to see myself as nothing out of the ordinary.

The second hurdle I ran into was the concept of making a difference. I’ve been taught by the culture I am a part of to downplay my influence and not to notice when what I do creates some sort of effect. And if I do notice, to play it down.

The third problem that I created all by myself was to decide that, just for me, if I was going to write about this topic I would have to position my answer in the future. For example, to talk about what I am aiming, aspiring, hoping, striving to do in terms of making a difference. This was based on the assumption that I am not doing anything of worth right now.

Armed with these three blocks, I re-read the questions. I decided that I would write a post assuming that I do have gifts and abilities that are special and unique to me, and that I would deliberately notice, from my memory, things that have been said and demonstrated that show me my own influence in the world. And, probably most importantly, I decided that I would write the post about what is happening now rather than what I am hoping might happen in future. So here goes.

My ‘proper’ job is in criminal justice, representing suspects who are being investigated by the police. For this work, I have to use my professional knowledge and skills. Sometimes I am able to help people as a result. I know, however, that it is just as important, sometimes more so, that I take my whole self into this job. I have been told many times that I calm people down, help them feel better and make an unbearable ordeal more bearable. Aha, making a difference using my calm energy and compassion.

As anyone reading my posts will realise, writing is almost like breathing for me. I blog a lot, am always working on more than one book, and write all the time in many different journals. I tend to avoid calling my writing ‘work’ because it has yet to generate what looks like a respectable income. I have to continue to do it, though, mainly because I feel compelled so share what I have learned through adversity, research and contemplation, about life and how it can be lived most joyfully. I have many, many plans for various writing projects which, right now, feel like wading through very thick treacle with wellies (rubber boots) on, because my health and life circumstances mean I can be short of energy and time. But, most days when I am writing regularly and posting in social media, someone says something grateful to me about my writing. Sometimes, they report that their day has turned around or they have seen something differently because of something I wrote. That not only makes it all worthwhile but it tells me I have to keep on doing what I am doing.

Now, meditation. This is the hardest one to talk about in the present because, although I have just qualified to teach Mind Calm, I am yet to establish myself as a practitioner. I’ve done my case studies and I frequently share my own experience, but it’s all too easy to claim that I haven’t done anything yet to make a difference in this area. That, actually, is not true. Several of the people who allowed me to work with them for my case studies have said how much things have changed for them already. And most of the people I know are aware of my abilities and my passionate wish to share what I know. And, most importantly, I know that my own practice makes a difference because I am creating peaceful energy and because without my own personal practice I will have nothing to pass on to others.

So. having looked at all that as honestly as I can, it is clear that I do make a difference just by being me, almost without being able to help it. I want people to read what I have written, and listen to what I am saying, and to feel more ok about themselves, more peaceful and more loved. It does happen, quite possibly more than I realise. As far as the future is concerned, I just need to continue being myself and allowing this to happen more and more.


  • Kama says:

    Sometimes making a difference is no more than holding the energy for others. So having a calming influence is certainly a gift. Sounds like you have many gifts and make a lot of difference in the world. I know you will be doing so much more soon also :) x

  • steffie says:

    What a sincere post. I enjoyed reading you and congratulate you and writing and posting this anyway even if it is just in one group. It is not always about sharing it to the crowds but about discovering this within ourselves and then allowing it to sink in.

    And helping people calm down just by your presence is definitely a great gift.

    Loved your writing and yes it shows that this comes as natural to you as breathing.


  • Hi Harriet, Oh yes, I found this subject a difficult one today. I love this challenge! It’s more of a personal challenge than anything else. Well done for sticking to it, and overcoming the same difficulties I had I suspect! Still feeling uncomfortable, but it’s out there now. I have found the more I allow myself to just be however I want to be, without judging it, or worrying about others judging me, the happier I am…and it gives other people the chance to do the same.

    • Harriet says:

      Absolutely. And this challenge is a perfect opportunity to be ourselves – without judgment – in a comfortable place with lovely support. Thank you.

  • Karen Sealey says:

    Lol it is the English way to down play everything :D
    I can’t put it any better than how you rounded off…
    ‘I just need to continue being myself and allowing this to happen more and more.’
    Go for it!

  • Mary Oquendo says:

    I agree, too often we downplay our gifts instead of displaying for the world to see and enjoy.I love that you were able to look inside and see your gifts.

  • Arwen says:

    This was an eye-opener for me. Thank you for such a careful, lovely post.

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