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Guest Post: Are you a role model? – Irene Brankin

By November 27, 2013January 14th, 20202 Comments

IreneI will start off with two questions for you, “Do you see yourself as a Role Model?”

“Are you being inspirational (quietly or loudly) for family members, friends and colleagues?”

I hope the questions have made you think as it is easy to simply say “Yes or No”, and that you’ll take the time to reflect on them. It is important for us all in life to do just that.

If you have answered “Yes”, then that is fantastic as those who see you, and how you are in life, as well as what you have done or are doing with your life, have a wonderful Role Model to follow. You will have given them the inspiration to see how life can be lived. There are so many wonderful role models for us in life from the young through to the old, from all walks of life.

If you answered “No”, why is this so? One of the reasons for me, is that I’ve seen so many women spending the first half of their lives trying to please everyone else and putting their own needs last, whether within the family or in their work. The ones with whom I came into contact, professionally and personally, have told me, “You begin to lose sight of yourself, your own dreams. I just don’t know who I am any more”. They had begun to question what their life was all about.

Most women are torn in two – glass is half empty and feel cheated or half full and feel grateful. For many, the half empty attitude is the fear of doing something different that causes their discomfort and so they search for some escape perhaps through affairs, alcohol, the T.V., over-eating, or even exercise. To step outside the norm of their perhaps comfortable box, would challenge the fear of failure, of rejection, of disappointment or even the fear of success. This is what traps women and then this too tight box becomes restrictive and causes tears and pain inside anyway.

When this happens, at whatever stage in your life you are at, your brain (never mind your Soul) is asking you to re-connect with the world in new ways. How you choose to do this will be up to you!

One of the main ways for me is connecting with your inner wisdom. You learn wisdom through the reflection of looking within yourself and, by observing those you respect as Role Models. This is one of the reasons to be a Role Model as you give others the courage to go further than they may have dared. It is also by experience as, when you examine your life, it is that experience that gives you wisdom as you will have learned from life’s joys and mistakes.

I am also saying that what frees us is Courage – which isn’t the absence of fear but the willingness to break through your limitations – the glass ceiling you put on yourself – and taking action to live out your yearning.

I would like to leave you with -Don’t take life for granted and don’t be one of those who say “one day”. Make the most of it. It’s happening right now and not in the future. It’s worth the effort!

Irene Brankin understands exactly how it feels to go through life changes to middle age and beyond with all of life’s ups and downs and she brings this wealth of personal and professional experience to her work to bring about the self-awareness that’ll expand their lives.

Irene runs Visible Woman Retreats throughout the U.K. Her next sequence of Day Retreats are on January 18th, February 15th and March 22nd, 2014, and are being held at the Park Inn by Radisson Palace in Southend. On these, you will have the space to ‘be’ in the company of other interesting, like-minded women and be stretched, have fun and celebrate yourself.

Treat yourself as your new best friend by stepping out of your normal daily routine and give time for you. Look forward to seeing you there

See my website for fuller details or e-mail me on


  • A nice post from Irene, and I could relate even though I’m not a woman.
    Sometimes this reconnection with our inner selves, takes concentrated effort do do it, it won’t always happen as strongly as it need to by itself.

    A good reminder for us all to check what we are doing and why,
    cheers, Gordon

    • Harriet says:

      I really appreciate you commenting Gordon. Great to know that the need to do this work can be understood from a male perspective, too. Thanks for taking the time. H

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