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How does fun show up? The Maverick Bluestocking Ponders

By August 18, 2014January 14th, 20206 Comments

Harriet graduatingToday we are invited to share how we like to have fun. The important – and serious – subject of fun has already been explored by the Maverick Bluestocking in this post. But today I thought I would dig a little deeper, and ask what fun really means to me, and what it looks like in my life.

Having fun – experiencing en-joy-ment – is the place where we meet ourselves, where we are truly present and feel totally alive. We can learn to do that without moving a muscle, but it never hurts to build joyful triggers into our day. The activities and experiences that bring us to that place are different for each of us, as we are all made, as personalities, to a slightly different, and delightfully unique, recipe.

And for me, real fun looks like:

Alfie upside downSunshine
Connecting with animals, especially my dog
Running as fast as I can
Standing with bare feet on the earth
Reading and writing
Visual art
Connecting with like-hearted people
Walking, especially in mountains
Resting in the still-silent-space and peace-love-joy of meditation
Following a tricky plot or complicated concept
Having first go at an unopened newspaper
Clean sheets

The list goes on and I am sure that I will remember many more of my fun triggers as soon as I have posted this. In fact, here is one. This is me doing my swimming test for white water rafting on the Olympic course in 2012:

Jumping in

One of the many things that makes us fascinating and mysterious is how varied we can be as human beings; let me know in the comments if you share some of my favourite joyful experiences and how your own list would be different.


  • I love your list as it leads me to believe this is how your live your life! Embrace the fun and make it part of every single second of the day is my approach! Thank you!

    • Harriet says:

      Thank you! Yes the list came out of me thinking about what I do on a daily or regular basis that makes me happy :-)

  • That swimmer’s test looks frightening! Ha ha, nah, bet it was fun. When I saw the subject for today’s post, it made me think that actually I’d forgotten how to have fun. The things that bring me joy are things like sunrises, walking on the beach, cooking a new recipe, which I wasn’t really sure fitted the definition of ‘fun’. So thank you for this post; your definition of fun is very similar to mine!

    • Harriet says:

      I couldn’t believe that I would be totally unafraid of something that was supposed to be a scary sport – white water rafting – when I can be so nervous of anything that takes me up high! But it was brilliant! I love the fact that we define fun in the same way. Let’s keep on having it!

  • Mary Oquendo says:

    Your list bears a striking resemblance to mine. ;)

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