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Being Well

In a writing group!

By January 23, 20138 Comments

Well, today has been exciting. We had the first of six conference calls in a group for women writing books, led by Lisa Lister whom I started working with about nine months ago. It was Lisa who told me to blog like crazy to find out what was in my heart and how I really felt comfortable writing, and it worked!

During the July Ultimate Blog Challenge I felt as if I found my authentic voice, and I also started to make a lot of friends through blogging. October gave me the opportunity to air some of the subjects that I was looking at a little more deeply, and this one, which we are now 23 days into, is about me looking at my writing, what I have to say, why I am saying it and getting some more feedback.

I have no doubt that, if I hadn’t done these blocks of daily blogging, which is a challenge whichever way you look at it, I wouldn’t have made so much progress in writing what I want to write, in the way that feels best for me.

All this is also all about community and sharing, which is a bit of a theme for me at the moment. When I put a blog post out, I don’t know who will read it and very often I am hearing from someone I’ve never encountered before. I also know that quite a few of my friends, people I see in daily life (hello!), read my posts fairly regularly. I don’t know why, but it always surprises me when I run into someone in the village or at the gym, and they know what I’ve been doing or thinking, not on the more superficial level of a Facebook status or tweet, but in detail because they’ve read my blog. It’s an honour, really, to have people take the time to read my 500-odd words of musing.

And the book writing group is the same sort of thing. We are sharing our insecurities, examining resistance and being open and vulnerable in a safe and trusting space, despite the fact that I, for one, have never met any of these ladies in person. The crucial thing is that this is the right group. If you are writing a book, as many people know, you seem to invite all sorts of comments about how difficult it is, how most books never get published, or finished, generally confidence-sapping stuff. If I want to increase my chances of finishing the book, getting it published in whatever form turns out to be suitable, and letting the big wide world do the judging, I need to find a supportive, understanding group who will, metaphorically, hold my hand during wobbles, share useful info and cheer me on.

So that’s how it’ll be for the next few weeks. Writing, talking, writing, talking. And of course other bits of life, including my professional work, thrown into the mix. We’ll see what happens. I’m giving myself a chance, the best I can, so that at the very least I can’t say, “maybe if I had done x, y or z things would have worked out better”.

I’d love to know about your communities and how they work for you. Do you have a group that supports you for something specific or are you surrounded by a variety of people you can turn to in all sorts of situations? Are you looking for support but haven’t found it yet? What works best for you? Please leave me a comment.


  • Deb Jones says:

    Harriet, just wanted to take a moment to wish you luck and happy writing with your book. Yes, you do hear a lot of negativity about writing, but if it’s in your heart and you feel a passion about it, you’ll find success. It’s great that you’ve found a supportive group of likeminded people – it’s so important. I have an internet group of people who I’ve never met in person, but who’re all engaged in the same profession and totally understand the difficulties, challenges and triumphs in a way no one else does. I’m doing UBC too, but not as consistently as you. Glad I’ve found you – I’ll stop by again :)

  • Amy says:

    I’m writing a book, but am finding it difficult to finish. Not unusual, I guess. I started a blog so I’d have an “online presence” if and when (when–when!!) my book is published, but now my blog takes all the energy and time that I used to spend on my book! Yikes! I don’t know what to do about this. Suggestions?

    • Harriet says:

      Hi, just had a very quick look at your blog and wow! how impressive! I can see how it is taking up a lot of time and energy. I don’t know what to suggest because your stories and pictures are captivating and it would be a pity to lose any of that, but just to say that, especially when I am doing the UBC, I aim for 500 words on something I am working on or thinking about at the time, sometimes don’t get that many which is fine, sometimes a little more. Once or twice in well over 100 posts I may have written over 1000 words. I find the whole pictures thing very difficult and have to force myself to include them from time to time. Not including thinking time, which is usually while I am walking the dog, I would never normally spend more than half an hour on a post including all the social media stuff. It’s very much the hobby side of my writing. Don’t know if any of that helps! Good luck!

  • Leigh says:

    I love our writer-girl group. I felt such a wash of relief within minutes of the call starting and felt so energized and excited when it ended. Glad to have met you!

  • The writer’s group sounds like it’s working well for you.
    I did see somewhere one of those quote pictures, that said you become like the 5 people you spend most time with.

    It’s important to surround yourself with people who will support you – I tend to mentally bat away the negatives, and that allows me to be open to advice from all sorts. Constructive criticism can be a great tool, but if you feel someone is being negative almost for the sake of it, cease engagement with them.

    You also make a good point about taking action giving you experience, which in turn increases development and belief.

    Keep it up!

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