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Being Well

Introducing the Maverick Bluestocking

By August 1, 2014August 6th, 201416 Comments

Harriet graduatingOoh, this is exciting and scary! Today sees the beginning of a new blog challenge, this time 30 days of blogging with the Spiritual Badass community. For me it is an opportunity to come out as overtly spiritual and stop pretending that what I write about is personal development, self help or health in general. My writing is all those things but first, last and in between it is spiritual. This month I shall be exploring exactly what that means and looks like.

I am English and wasn’t sure what ‘badass’ means, so I looked it up and found it is ‘a tough, uncompromising or intimidating person.’ Now, I couldn’t imagine myself as any of those things in a month of Sundays, but I do know that I have been described as tough because of various kinds of adversity that I’ve survived, and some people have said they are intimidated by my level of education. And I am beginning, these days, to refuse to compromise where my integrity or beliefs are at stake.

So I started to understand what a Spiritual Badass might be, and wondered how I could translate this into English. My personal recipe is that I come from a very intellectual, academic background, but now I talk a lot about the value of thinking less. I am training to teach meditation which cultivates an awareness of a part of us quite different from our intellect: you could call it conscious awareness, spirit, God or oneness, or whatever you like. So I thought I would use the word ‘bluestocking,’ which means an educated, intellectual woman, and in particular tends to refer to the type of woman who is less interested in appearance, finding a suitable husband or material success than in academic pursuits. I attended an all women’s college at Cambridge University in the 1980s and you wouldn’t have found anywhere on the planet a greater concentration of bluestockings! I decided to counter ‘bluestocking’ with ‘maverick’ which means an unorthodox or independent minded person, which is just right. I might seem to be on the outside a nice, well educated English lady, but I have always had an element of hippieishness and I just love to question assumptions and do things differently.

Therefore Maverick Bluestocking was named. Let’s see where the month takes us, looking at things just that bit differently, daring to imagine the unimaginable, questioning the unquestionable and finding joy in unexpected places. I hope you will join me and share your thoughts in the comments section.


  • Kama says:

    I look forward to following this journey Harriet :)

    • Harriet says:

      Thank you Kama. I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for you and you are such an example and inspiration :-)

  • Hello Harriet. I loved your post, I love the style of your writing…and how lovely to meet a fellow English person! Thank you for the definition of Badass; I wasn’t really sure what it meant either, so I found the English translation useful. I too am toying with the idea of coming out of the spiritual closet. It feels more like the real me, and why should I be worried about what other people think? Great post, looking forward to more words of wisdom from you over the next 30 days. Blessings, Andrea

    • Harriet says:

      Thank you Andrea. I am not sure why it is an effort to come out spiritually but I think it is definitely necessary for me! I look forward to sharing the journey with you x

  • So glad you’re here, Harriet! It’s interesting that you don’t use that term, and I was surprised by the common definition. I tend to subscribe to the Urban Definition of badass, which you can find here: (NSFW). See you in the challenge! :-)

    • Harriet says:

      Hi Amethyst, thanks for the info and yes that sounds good too! Happy with that one. Thanks so much for welcoming me. :-)

  • Looking forward to connecting with you during the challenge!

  • Gwynne says:

    I love your new title of Maverick Bluestocking! It’s so very balanced! We need to draw from the traditional, while expanding into the unknown :)

  • Anne Brannen says:

    Oh, lovely! Another Spiritual Badass Bluestocking! Delighted to meet you! I love hanging out with other academic hippies.

  • Joe Cheray says:

    Nice to meet you Harriet and glad to be doing the challenge with you. I love how you define yourself as a maverick bluestocking. For some reason I imagine a proper English woman wearing a cowboy hat riding astride a horse. :D

    • Harriet says:

      Hello. Haha yes I do often seem to be a very proper Englishwoman (not as much as my mother though!) but I have ridden many horses in my time too. Not often in a cowboy hat though…

  • I am so looking forward to you ‘coming out’ although I have to say I can see this happening already. What a combination you are and the world doesn’t know what’s going to hit it!! Enjoy being you.

    Love Irene

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