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Being Well

List of love

By October 29, 20127 Comments

A little while ago I blogged about lists. I’ve recently started a new one, just for fun. It’s a list of Things I Love. It starts with “Flowers – except petunias”. I’m not sure why I have such a dislike for petunias but I really can’t bear them. When it’s rained and they’re wet I can’t even look at them. Other items already on the list are cheese, gratitude, walking, galleries, swimming, going for coffee. Once I started, the list grew quickly and easily. It’s very much a work in progress, though, and I intend to see how big I can make it.

Why did I start this? Well, as I said, it’s just for fun, and my initial idea was to focus on things I love so that I can fill my life with as many of them as possible. It’s easy to forget the little things, like lavender, for example, that could actually play a bigger part if I was a bit more purposeful about including them in my day to day existence. And what would happen then? Well, we will have to see, but I’m guessing that if I have more things to love in my life then I will feel better, somehow. Happier, maybe. There is always room for more feeling good, isn’t there?

Once I started to make the list and realised that it might become rather large, another benefit appeared. If I have a huge list of things that make me happy, and look at it as often as I want, or as often as I can, I’m bound to feel more grateful. How much time do we spend thinking of sunsets when it’s not actually around dusk? Probably not too much. But if I remind myself of sunsets, cheese, good manners etc on a regular basis, and remember that life is full of these things, then my gratitude for them can only grow.

It’s a very new project so there’s not much to say at the moment, except that I’m doing it and I’m full of anticipation and optimism about it. I’m looking forward to encountering more benefits and sharing more about it. If you made a list of things you love, what would be on it? How long do you think it would be? And what might you gain? I’d love you to have a go…………..


  • I LOVE the thinking behind this list: overwhelm yourself with the good and gratitude-inducing elements in your life for an instant pick-me-up and perspective shifter. What a nice tool, Harriet!

  • sarah doughty says:

    Running in the rain, Autumn colours, collecting pebbles on the beach, the satisfaction of finding an unusual stone, walking in the countryside, the challenge of climbing a mountain, opting for a different perspective of my neighbour – climb a tree/view from afar, honey, glorious food, good company, friends you can endure the silent moments with, the smell of the sea, the rhythm of waves beating against a beach, cappuccino, coffee ice-cream, swimming outdoors, finding a new footpath sign, anticipation, having an unsuppressable (sp) idea for a poem, wonderful views, feeling a connection with someone, adventure.

  • Kim says:

    Well, inspired by your title, my list of love would have to include kissing! Not just any old kissing though, but a real heartfelt kiss with a soul connection. Yummy!

    Harriet, I nearly didn’t post this because I feared it might lower the tone of your blog, but actually I realised it really would be one of very many things on my list and I wouldn’t be being ‘the real me’ if I tried to hide it!!

  • sarah doughty says:

    Thanks Harriet…I should just correct the word Neighbour…which should be Neighbourhood….before any concerns are raised!!

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