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Being Well


By January 11, 20139 Comments

PansiesYesterday it felt as if a very important piece of my worry journey jigsaw fell into place. I was pondering on the multi-faceted nature of my approach, and how important it has been for me to do things this way, when I realised that something is motivating me to continue to improve, to work continuously on my freedom from worry, rather than just doing well enough not to feel bad. That thing is a magic ingredient: it’s the desire to share, as widely as I can, what I have learned.

It occurred to me that the fittest people I know are personal trainers and fitness instructors. The healthiest eaters are nutritionists and nutrition coaches, and the calmest, most serene people in my life are those who teach yoga and meditation, or practise as therapists. The biggest smile belongs to the woman who carries a message that smiling is good for your health (she’s also a comedian and wonderful artist – check out Tracy Shave here).

It’s no coincidence that people who carry a message to others are the best example of that message. Of course they are teaching what they love and believe in, so it stands to reason that they will practise what they preach, and also they need to be a good example to their clients or students. I think there’s more to it than this, though. Having a desire to pass on what you have helps you to value it more deeply, pay more attention to it and be even more grateful for it. And it gives your gift meaning and significance beyond the way it has changed your own life.

There is something inside me driving me to share what I have learned about getting free from worry. I can’t stop talking about it, I write about it all the time and it’s always in my head. Which is a LOT better than having a head full of worry!

This is a short post because I want to make this point very forcibly. I am not just happy but really excited to be on this path and to know that so much of my energy is pouring into creating a message that will help people to create a better NOW for themselves. What is your path and what are you driven to share? How wonderful if the answer is something you are already sharing. But if there is something that has changed your life, that you secretly want to share or think could benefit others, isn’t it time to think about how you could do that? Not least because I want to know – if you have done something, are doing something, that makes your life better in some way I’d love to know what it is and how I could do it too!


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