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Being Well

Six forms of energy

By October 10, 2012One Comment

I’m very interested in energy. Living with a condition which can limit my energy and also cause a number of symptoms including fatigue, I am now fascinated by the amount of energy that other people seem to have, and it’s a high priority to conserve my own energy and use it wisely.

At the moment, I’m reading a book called The Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth, a clinical psychologist. I’m only half way through but it’s really interesting and enlightening on many levels. There is one specific point that she makes, however, which I wanted to share because it has made such an impact on me. It’s about the nature of energy itself.

What we all want to do is transform what is in the metaphysical realm (ideas, intentions, goals) into reality in the physical realm. This is how success happens, and in order to do this we need to energise our goals.

And Dr Nemeth explains that energy comes in six primary forms:
Physical vitality
Support of friends

When I first read this list, I was transfixed. I had always seen energy as just physical and mental exertion, or what Nemeth calls “physical vitality”, and had recently also started to realise that money is energy as well. But to discover energy in four other forms which seem so much more accessible was really exciting.

So now I am revising some of my ideas. Ok, so I may not have as much physical energy as other people, and money may be short. But I can choose to apply time, to ask for support, or to have fun, play with an idea. I’m not short of creativity, within my particular abilities, but I’d not seen this as a resource to be called upon quite in this way before.

It’s so interesting to start to think this through. Do you have an idea, intention or even a goal that is still in the metaphysical realm? And have you been thinking that you must apply a lot of hard work to manifest it in the physical world? Why not look at this list and see what other forms of energy you could throw at it? Perhaps you have been feeling you must tackle it all alone, but maybe what you really need is to call on an expert, or get some moral support. How can you bring some fun and enjoyment into your project? Or maybe you need to employ some creativity to find a different way of moving the whole thing forward.

I am guessing this is just a start, and I’m looking forward to being able to identify energy in other, more subtle forms. And this makes me think that perhaps being short of physical energy isn’t such a problem after all. There are so many other energy resources to call on. Let me know if this sparks some ideas.

One Comment

  • Well, you (and Dr. Nemeth) had a point… Even if I failed to manifest money, I had an easy time on manifesting energy and creativity and enojyment… and with that and suppport of friends, the other forms will become real. Thanks for sharing!

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