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Being Well

The Maverick Bluestocking – Who Inspires You?

By August 28, 2014January 14th, 20206 Comments

Harriet graduatingI guess we have all been inspired by various people throughout our lives. I’ve noticed how the right people seem to appear at the right time for me, teaching me lessons and explaining things in exactly the way that I have needed. A week ago I went with my good friend Kim Parker to see Richard Wilkins speaking, as he had an engagement near to where we live. Here we are with Richard after the talk.

Richard has a way of explaining things that makes them real and easy to understand. You know that critical voice in your head? He calls it our ‘script,’ and explains that everyone has a script and that, crucially, this is not our real self but conditioning that we have absorbed throughout our lives. We can learn to recognise our script and to act despite it (to choose) rather than allow it to control how we think, feel and act.

Richard also shows us that it is ok to express our feelings, even if they are painful, even for men, who traditionally tend to keep their emotions to themselves a bit more. He does this by owning and showing his own feelings on stage. It’s really powerful.

With Kim Parker and Richard WilkinsAnd he tells us, so importantly, that it’s ok not to be ok. It’s only human to have ups and downs, to feel low sometimes. And at those times we need to know that we are not alone, that everyone feels like this, and that it won’t last for ever.

An evening listening to Richard is always entertaining and it can also be life-changing. He and his partner Liz Ivory run one-day ‘Recharge Days’ and a five day course as well. If you are interested in finding out more, there is plenty of information on the website. Liz’s book also explains the concept of the script very clearly.

The first time I heard Richard speak I laughed and I gained a great deal of understanding. I saw why I sometimes feel ‘less than’ and I understood how I could choose not to adopt this perspective. Each time I hear him again it’s a reminder, as well as an injection of warmth and humour.

Who inspires you? Please share your experience – who is the person you turn to, in person or virtually, when you need an inspiration shot or just to feel better? You never know, someone reading this may just need that information.


  • Arwen says:

    Excellent! I call my voice my “inFERNAL editor” rather than my internal one. :D

    Inspiring? Right now my husband is inspiring me as he maneuvers his way through an impending death in his family.

    • Harriet says:

      Thank you Arwen. Love ‘infernal editor’! Very moving that your inspirational person is your husband; thank you for sharing.

  • Mary Oquendo says:

    Who inspires me is one Sidney Christensen. She is 5 years old and has already beat cancer.

  • Jules says:

    I have heard so much about Richard Wilson (all good), but have yet to have the pleasure.

    The wonderful teacher who came into my life over the summer was the late Debbie Ford. I listened, via Audible, to her contribution in ‘the Shadow Effect’ along with Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson. This then led me to her last book ‘Courage’ which I am close to finishing.

    I believe, like you, the teachers and learning messages come at just the right time.

    • Harriet says:

      Thank you Jules. I just looked up Debbie Ford and will be adding her to my list of intended reading. I so appreciate a book recommendation!

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