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Being Well

What are you looking for?

By October 16, 20122 Comments

This morning, one of the first things to enter my consciousness was a Facebook post by Richard Wilkins, the essence of which was that what you find to today will be about what you look for rather than what simply shows up.

This sounded like a challenge, which means that it was just about irresistible to me. I had a think and decided that, today, I would look for abundance. Like so many people, I am very well trained to concentrate on lack, to look for scarcity and not-enough-ness, and guess what? If I look for those things I find them all over the place – not only in my life but in the lives of those around me.

One of my friends posted on Facebook that she had decided, on reading Richard’s post, to look for things to make her smile. I commented with my resolution to look for abundance and straight away, the very next post I saw was a moving “pay it forward” type story about someone paying anonymously for a woman’s new tyres. Immediately after that, I picked up on another, similar and very moving, pay it forward story.

Realising that I couldn’t stay on Facebook all day reading inspiring stories, I set out for a run. It’s been really blustery here and I could have complained about the wind and the cold. Instead, in my woolly hat, I noticed the abundance of fresh air and the abundance of sunshine as the wind had blown the clouds away. I’m very lucky to live in the rural village so I enjoyed the abundance of open space, fields and – hooray – when I got to the estuary half way through my run I found the tide was nearly in so there was an abundance of water! I was very interested to note that, quite honestly, I noticed the seaweed on the shore before all the bits of litter. Because I was looking for abundance.

I met some friends at lunchtime and remembered how lucky I am to have so many lovely people in my life. (Did you notice I stopped saying “abundance”? Might be too much of a good thing if I don’t vary it a bit.) There was far too much salad on my plate for me to eat. I put some petrol in my car on the way home and was conscious of the endless supply in the underground tanks.

Later on I walked my dog through a different part of the countryside around the village and experienced the vastness and space again. This evening I have seen more friends and been very conscious of how many I have! I also found 5p on the ground and remembered that riches come from all sorts of unexpected sources.

It’s been such an interesting experience, looking everywhere for abundance and finding it in so many unexpected forms. I know that if I had decided to look for love, joy, energy, stillness or any other quality I would have found it everywhere. I think I might make a habit of doing this. I am also going to a one day workshop that Richard is running in November, so looking forward to more inspiration.

Does this make you wonder what you could spend tomorrow looking for? If it does, I am delighted! Think of what you are normally watching out for (scarcity, conflict, frustration, whatever) and decide what is the opposite. Then choose to look for that. Please let me know what you choose and how it goes!


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